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Sureshnie Rider ''the Spice of 5fm"

We caught up with SUSH '' Sureshnie Rider '' host of the 5fm top 40

I personally can say Sureshnie is a person that anyone looking to be in the media business needs to talk to. She is an inspiration to all and makes the long drive to the shopping mall a short one , with all the latest tunes .

Here is what she had to say .

1. Being a radio presenter was it always something you wanted to do and why ?

"I actually always wanted to be a writer or a journalist covering politics .I studied Journalism and it was and still is my first love .I've always questioned the status quo ,I have always been curious and i felt this path would satisfy my thirst for knowlege and give me the answers to my 'WHY' ."

2.Who do you look up to ?

" look up to several people .In the Radio industry ,I've been blessed to work with some outstanding talents , I look up to My husband ,My parents ,My family ,Ialso look up to my daughter who is nearly four .Each person has influenced my life in such remarkable ways ,and from them I take inspiration

4.Who do you believe helped you become who you are today ?

"I think My sense of beliveing in myself was my helper.I have learnt alot from others who have imparted their knowledge onto me .However, had i not believed in all what i have learnt , and fueled my dream with Passion and not giving up ,then I don't think I would have been here .I am my greatest critic and My Only Motivator .My Journey has been filled and shaped with many great minds ,but at the end of the day ,It was up to me whether to make that a success or just let a dream...but that .....Just a Dream ".

5.As a child growing up what was your favorite song ?

"I was properly obsessed with Mariah Carey (and still am ) and any and every Spice Girl Song . Gosh Music has been in my life ,so there are just too many songs that I can think of ."

5.if you weren't a Radio presenter what would you have been ?.

"Probably a full time writer /Educator and I also went through a phase wanting to work at the Post Office :) I thought stamping all day in the square would be cool But my other super passion is motor racing ,so i'll always want to be a Petrol Head and Test Driver of Fast Cars ."

6.Who is your favorite south african artist ?

"Gosh So many! I Looooove Danny K for his harworking Business Ethic .He understands this multifaceted industry .He works hard behind the scenes and on the scenes ,and He's just always stayed the same human I met years ago .I admire new artists like GoodLuck ,GoldFish ,Ross Jack ,Casper Nyovest and Locnville for the strides they are making in achieving an international sound .I Love that every time I see Tamara Dey at a gig she looks like she's singing for the first time and loving every second .I admire Gangs Of Ballet ,who work so well as a team ,and I absolutley adore the Kongos Brothers .These are brothers who are currently touring the States and the world .and to think they grew up right here in SA .Nothing stops them ,and they're taking on the Billboard Charts ,and that is dam impressive !.Looove SA Music ,Love Artists who do'nt forget where they come from ."

7. Favorite song of all time ?.

"Sjoe that's extremely tough !! I love Make it Happen by Mariah Carey is what drives my philosophy in life 'Believe in yourself and you WILL make it happen ' ,One Love by U2 and Mary J Blige tells me that Our World is weird and wonderful, and then Beyonce's I was here ,reminds me to make a difference everyday of my life ."

8. What word best describes you ?



"I'm the Co Founder of the Blow The Whistle Campaign ,that aims to give South African's a voice against Rape. Basically we are selling actual 'whistles' that we want all South Africans to wear so we can start to create this culture of actually using our voices to Fight Crime and also if we find ourselves in a desperate situation we can blow the whistle to get people to help you .

you can join us by visting

on Twitter @WhistleSA

whistles can be purchased at Cross Trainer stores nationwide.All proceeds benifit charities that fight violence against South Africans.

About Sureshnie Rider

-Hosts the 5FM TOP40(MTN winner for best weekend show 2013) every saturday from 10am till 2pm

- Reads the news from 10am till 3pm (on House of Poppy and Rob Forbes show )

- Hosts Chart Attack on South African Airways International (a chart show on SAA)

- 5FM TOP 40 on SABC 3 Expresso every wednesday Morning 6:30

- Co Owner of BobbleheadSA

(makers of celebrity Bobbleheads)

Sureshnie on Social Networks

Twitter -@Sureshnie

Facebook and Instagram - Sureshnie Rider

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