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A Trip To Unicorn Island is a brand new documentary that was released on You Tube Red (USA)

and will be available on google movies in March , the documentary is based on the life of You Tuber Lilly Singh. I interviewed Scott Winn who directed the documentary and chatted about his love for film and his experiences .

  1. Describe yourself in one word


2. Why do you think YouTube is such a successful platform for people to showcase their work?

You have no boundaries on YouTube and can create whatever you want with an audience that is limitless.

3. What is your favorite movie/Tv series of all time?

My favorite TV show is IT Crowd, and my favorite movie is Napoleon Dynamite.

4. Why did you choose film?

I’ve always been a storyteller and when I discovered I could do it visually I became instantly obsessed.

5. A trip to unicorn island is a movie which is currently available on You Tube Red (USA), which features Youtube superstar Lilly Singh about her world tour, how was the experience shooting with Lilly and seeing the magnitude of fans she has?

It was a great learning experience. I learned a lot from lilly and we became close friends. It was an emotional journey.

6. What genre of film are you most attracted to?

I relate best with Comedy, but I am attracted to telling stories of all genres.

7. What advice do you have for aspiring filmmakers?

Be authentic. Don’t be shy. Those are the two most important lessons that I have learned.

8. Did you always want to do something in the entertainment industry?

No I wanted to be a doctor, or Nascar driver, or a soccer player. I didn’t have a passion for filmmaking until my early twenties.

9. What challenges did you face working on AT2UI (A Trip to Unicorn Island)?

This was my first documentary film. I entered this project with a very basic idea of what the films structure could be, but with a documentary everything changes. Having to formulate the story on the road was both a challenge and a huge learning process.

It was also a challenge to find ways to make this a story that would appeal to more than just Lilly’s fans. I wanted this to be a film that anyone could enjoy and learn from.

10. What is one of the most memorable projects you worked on?

All of my films are very special to me. And each one is memorable in its own unique way.

Any social networks ?

Instagram @scottdavidwinn

Snapchat scottdavidwinn

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